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Mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download

Read Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D by Cyndy Davenport,Ishka Voiculescu with a free trial. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad. Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D Autodesk Official Press PDF Download, By Cyndy Davenport and Ishka Voiculescu, ISBN: , The AutoCAD® Civil. This book is part of a family of premium-quality Sybex books, all of which are written by outstanding authors who combine practical experience with.
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Browse to the Chapter 01 class data folder, and open User Interface. Work ing with the r ibbon 5 5. Open the application menu once more, and investigate the commands that are listed there.
Keep this drawing open for the next exercise. Because nothing changes in this drawing ile as a result of the exercise steps, no User Interface — Complete ile is necessary. The one on the left is top-down, or plan view, showing the entire project. The one at the top right is also plan view, but it is zoomed in to a different part of the drawing.
The lower-right viewport is a 3D view. These are three views of the same design, and what happens in one will happen in the other two. Think of it as three cameras showing three different viewpoints of the same subject, with each viewport being like a television monitor.
Working with the Ribbon The ribbon is located at the top of your screen, and it is the launching pad for most of your Civil 3D commands. The commands that it contains are organized into groups through the use of tabs and panels. The ribbon itself is divided into a series of tabs that include Home, Insert, Annotate, and so on, as illustrated in Figure 1. Each tab is divided into panels.
For instance, the Home tab shown in Figure 1. One other thing you should know is that most panels expand downward to show you the less frequently used commands in a particular category. For example, Figure 1. Work ing with the r ibbon 7 One of the best features of the ribbon is its ability to respond to what you select in the drawing area. For example, if you click a Civil 3D alignment, the ribbon changes and serves up alignment-related commands on a special tab.
The same is true for surfaces, parcels, and so on. These special tabs are referred to as contextual ribbon tabs. Exercise 1. If you have continued from the previous exercise, you can skip to step 2. Launch Civil 3D , and open the ile named User Interface. The Home tab is 3. Click the downward-pointing white triangle at the bottom of the Create designed to contain Design panel and note how it expands down, as shown in Figure 1.
Because 4. Click the Insert tab of the ribbon. Click the other tabs of the ribbon, and see whether you can relate some seem a bit random. Place your cursor in the left viewport, and roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in to the drawing. Keep zooming in until you can clearly see the road centerlines labeled with stationing numbers these are Civil 3D alignments. Click one of the road centerlines, and note that the ribbon displays a contextual tab to make align- ment commands accessible see Figure 1.
It has several main You can open the Toolspace by clicking functions that are represented by the different tabs it can contain. Prospector tab Certification Prospector is arguably the most important part of the Civil 3D user interface. Objective As you build your design, Prospector arranges the different components of your design in a tree structure see Figure 1. Why a tree structure and not just a list of items? In some ways, this tree structure helps represent some of those relationships as a hierarchy.
Another way to think about Prospector is that it arranges your design categori- cally rather than spatially. In other words, in your drawing area, you might see road centerlines crossing through parcels, which cross through contours, which cross through survey points. Prospector sorts out this mess and puts all the points in one place, all the parcels in one place, and so on. Prospector also knows exactly where those objects are in the drawing. You can right-click an object in Prospector and use the Select command or Zoom To command to locate that object within the drawing.
If the Toolspace is not already open, click Toolspace on the Home tab of the ribbon. Click the Prospector tab of the Toolspace to bring it to the forefront. Explore the tree structure of Prospector by clicking the plus signs to If the Prospector tab expand the different branches. This hierarchical arrangement provides effective organization Prospector icon on the and suggests a relationship between the alignment and its proiles.
Palettes panel. Click within the left viewport to activate it. These types of functions are accessed through contextual menus such as the one used in step 6 of the previous exercise. In fact, one of the things that makes Civil 3D so powerful is that you can customize its settings to accommodate nearly any type of design, any com- pany standard, or any other factor that deines the environment within which you use it. Click the Settings tab of the Toolspace.
If the Settings tab is 4. These styles control the appearance of models that represent Home tab of the rib- the shape of the ground.
These styles control a certain type of label that is used to annotate surface models. Using the drawing Area 11 Because nothing changes in this drawing ile as a result of the exercise steps, no User Interface — Complete ile is necessary.
Survey tab The Survey tab is speciically designed for working with survey data. It displays survey data in a tree structure, and it allows you to launch commands through contextual menus.
Your company may have some custom pro- gramming that is designed to run in Civil 3D, or some add-on modules provided by Autodesk. This is the place where you can load and run these additional enhance- ments to Civil 3D.
The design model is most often viewed from above, referred to as plan view, but it can be viewed from any perspective. For example, because Civil 3D specializes in representing designs as 3D models, you may want to display your model using a 3D view.
Nearly everything you do is reported on the command line along with the response from Civil 3D. A response can be a request for more informa- tion, report of a result, or notiication of a problem. You can also launch commands from the command line, but you will likely ind it much easier to use the visual interface provided by the ribbon and other tools.
It works by displaying a tab for the information that you or the program has called for. For example, the Events tab also known as the Event Viewer shows up when Civil 3D needs to tell you something about the drawing. In another example, if you launch the command to edit the geo- metric details of an alignment, the Alignment Entities tab appears. As shown in Figure 1. This enables you to multitask within the same window. On the Home tab of the ribbon, expand the Palettes panel and click the icon for Event Viewer.
Experiment with resizing, auto-hiding, and docking the Panorama window. Press Esc to clear any selections in the drawing. Dashboard tab that 5. Close Panorama, and close the drawing without saving. They use things such as bear- ings, curve deltas, northings, and eastings to deine geometry.
The Transparent Commands toolbar enables Civil 3D users to draw things based on the special geometric concepts that are unique to civil engineers and surveyors. For example, when drawing a line, you can use the Northing Easting transpar- ent command to specify the irst point and the Bearing Distance transparent command to specify the endpoint see Figure 1.
Unzip the iles priate location. Click the Type a command prompt on the command line. When prompted to specify the irst point, click a point near the center of the screen. When prompted to specify the next point, click Bearing Distance on the Transparent Commands toolbar. Refer to Figure 1. When prompted for a quadrant, either type 1 and press Enter or click in the upper-right quadrant created by the crosshairs on the screen.
When prompted for the bearing, type 45 and press Enter. When prompted for the distance, type and press Enter. Press Esc twice to exit the command. Save and close the drawing. To view the results of completing the exercise successfully, you can open Line By Bearing – Complete.
Sometimes, however, you need your drawing to tell you something. The Inquiry Tool is a separate window whose sole pur- pose is to give you information about things in the drawing. There is a long list of drawing items from which to choose, and beneath each item is a list of things that you can ask about see Figure 1. These commands are mixed in with the basic AutoCAD line and curve commands on the Draw panel of the ribbon.
Finally, the Best Fit icon expands to include commands for best-fit lines and curves. The following image shows the expanded form of the Line, Curve, and Best Fit icons. Launch Civil 3D , and open the ile named Inquiry. On the Analyze tab of the ribbon, click the Inquiry Tool. When prompted to specify the irst point, hold down the Shift key, right-click, and select Endpoint on the contextual menu that appears.
Click the southwestern endpoint of the line you drew earlier. You may need to zoom in to accurately pick the 7. Scroll down to the Direction and Horizontal Distance values in the end of the line. Inquiry Tool window.
Note that they show the same bearing and dis- tance that you entered earlier. Because nothing has changed in this drawing ile, no Inquiry — Complete ile is available. Now You Know Now that you have completed this chapter, you are more comfortable in the Civil 3D user interface and can begin navigating it to get where you need to go.
You understand how to use the application menu to access files and do other general tasks. You can use the ribbon to access Civil 3D commands and the Toolspace to explore the model contents and the drawing settings.
You understand where Panorama fits in to the overall user interface makeup. You can use transparent commands to per- form basic drafting using terms and geometric concepts that are unique to those working in the civil engineering and surveying fields. Finally, you can use the Inquiry Tool to answer questions about your design.
Now that you have a feel for the Civil 3D user interface, you are ready to move on in your learning experience. Next you will study the nature of the Civil 3D environment in all its dynamic 3D glory; and you will begin to build and create a design, learning new tools and concepts as you go. Civil 3D has a unique, dynamic environment that is all about leveraging interactions and relationships. After completing this chapter, you will understand the dynamic capabilities of the Civil 3D environment and the importance of taking advantage of those capabilities.
A Civil 3D object is an intelligent piece of your design model that stores information about itself and has the ability to interact with other objects in the drawing. Another characteristic of a Civil 3D object is that it is affected by a Civil 3D style. A Civil 3D style is a collection of settings that control the appearance and behavior of a Civil 3D object.
Connecting Objects and styles 19 What is Elevation? Depending on where you are in your civil engineering or surveying learning experi- ence, the term elevation may be foreign to you. One way to visualize this concept is to think of it in terms of a piece of grid paper laid out over an area of land with the horizontal lines running west to east and the vertical lines running south to north.
Elevation would be coming straight up out of the paper. So, the top of a hill would have a greater elevation than the bottom of a ravine. Another way of thinking about this is in terms of an XYZ coordinate system.
X and Y would be the lines on the grid paper, and Z elevation would be coming out of it. One more thing—depending on where you live in the world, it may be appropriate to use the word level instead of elevation. Each of the objects listed previously can be controlled by styles. For example, surface styles can be used to show a surface in many forms, including contour lines, a 3D grid, a series of arrows pointing downhill, shading representing differ- ent elevation ranges, and more see Figure 2.
In addition to changing the over- all appearance of an object, styles can control speciic details that differ slightly between similar conigurations. For example, in one case there may be surface contours that need to be shown on an existing layer, whereas in another case the same contours are shown on a proposed layer see Figure 2.
The coniguration is the same contours , but the way that coniguration is displayed which layer is different between two different styles. Exercise 2. Open the drawing named Objects and Styles. The plan view of the surface in the left viewport should appear similar to the irst image shown in Figure 2. Notice that when you click a contour, the entire surface object F i G u R E 2.
The contours on the right are displayed using existing layers that are the contours appear typically lighter, so they appear more as background information. Click one of the contour lines in the drawing to select the surface object. If the Properties palette is not visible, click Properties on the Home tab of the ribbon. The surface will display as colored bands, representing This is the style that different ranges of elevations, similar to the second image in Figure 2.
The surface opened the drawing. The Note that both of the last two styles dis- triangles are the fundamental framework of the surface and give it played contours but on the shape that it haster. Some of the contours change 6. Change the Style property to Contours 1′ and 5′ Design 0. The surface should now resemble the left image in result of this change Figure 2.
Change the Style property to Contours 1′ and 5′ Background 0. Connecting Objects and styles 21 What Are Contours? Contours are lines that are used to represent topography or changes in elevation across the ground. Most people experience contours in things like trail maps that cover a large area square miles or square kilometers in comparison to what we typically see in Civil 3D. By definition, contours are lines that connect points of equal elevation. If you took a giant horizontal blade and passed it through the ground at equal elevation intervals, you would get contour lines.
In flat areas, the lines would be far apart, and in steep areas, the lines would be close together. With practice, you can look at a contour map and visualize the 3D shape of the land that the map represents. These are often referred to as contextual ribbon tabs, as you may remember from the previous chapter.
Click the Display tab, and then click the color column next to Major Contour. Choose a noticeable color, and click OK. Some of the contours Objects and Styles – Complete. As you worked through the previous exercise, did you notice that no extra steps were required to update or redraw the surface when a new style was assigned or the style was edited?
The effect was immediate—as soon as you modiied the assigned style or assigned a different style, the appearance of the surface changed.
This is because of a dynamic relationship between the object and its style, a relationship that is honored throughout the software. Assigning a Different Style In steps 5 through 7 of the previous exercise, you changed the appearance of the surface by assigning a different style to it.
This is the way to do it 99 percent of the time. In steps 8 through 10, you edited the style that was already assigned to the surface. Editing styles is typically the responsibility of a CAD manager. In fact, in many companies, end users are not permitted to modify or create styles.
However, it is still important to understand that when a style is modified, any object using that style will change its appearance or behavior to honor the new version of the style. Connecting labels and label Styles Certification Labels are an important part of any design because they provide speciic Objective information about the design that is often necessary for it to be properly constructed. Civil 3D enables you to create many different types of labels that associate themselves with the different types of Civil 3D objects.
Labels are Civil 3D objects too, and just like the objects listed in the previous section, their appearance and behavior are controlled by styles. Also, just like the rela- tionship between objects and their styles, labels also react when a different style is assigned or the assigned style is modiied. Here are some label types that correspond to the Civil 3D objects listed in the previous section: Surface Spot Elevation label This type of label is typically used to display the elevation of a key point in the design, such as a low point that water will drain toward or a high point that water will drain away from.
Alignment Station offset label This type of label is used to express the location of a feature in reference to a linear object. Profile Grade Break label This type of label is used to show the location and elevation of a slope change along a proile.
For example, if the proile slopes upward and then changes to a downward direction, the highest point where the change occurs is considered a grade break and is a common location to place a label.
Station and offset Long linear designs such as roads and pipelines often use station and offset notation to express locations. Stations themselves are usually expressed in a special notation that has a plus sign in it. For example, it is common to label the bearing and distance of a straight line segment along a property boundary.
Open the drawing named Labels and Styles. In the top-right viewport, click the label. Notice how the content of the label changes. This time, the content stays the same but the style of the text changes. This is another example of a contex- F i G u R E 2. Connecting Labels and Label styles 25 6. Change the Visibility value for the leader to False, as shown in Figure 2.
The label is updated to reflect the change to F i G u R E 2. Click OK twice to dismiss all dialog boxes and return to the drawing. You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Labels and Styles – Complete. Styles and Company Standards Civil 3D styles can make it easier for end users to meet company standards and can make graphical output more consistent. With a good set of styles that integrate company standards, all that an end user has to worry about is choosing the right style from a manageable list of choices.
A typical land development project is a collection of dozens of mini-designs that often tie in to one another. For example, a road is designed by drawing irst the 2D path of its centerline, then the proposed changes in eleva- tion along that centerline, and inally the lanes, curbs, and sidewalks extending outward from that centerline.
To provide drainage during a rainstorm, ditches must be installed along the sides of the road. The location and depth of these ditches can be traced back through the design process the entire way to the layout of the road centerline.
If the layout of the centerline needs to change for some reason, that change must propagate downstream through the design pro- cess, ultimately changing the location and depth of one or more ditches.
In Civil 3D, these connections between elements of the design are present regardless of the tool that is used. Before Civil 3D, these connections had to be managed manually by engineers and designers, and every aspect affected by a design change had to be ixed manually. With Civil 3D, these connections can be built in to the design by establishing relationships between the road center- line, the roadside ditches, and everything in between.
Then, follow these steps: from locking on to objects in the drawing 1. Open Object Relationships. Press the F3 key, and observe the command line. Be sure that your 3. Click the top-right viewport, which shows a proile of the road design. The blue lines represent storm drains and pipes connecting them. Click the black line representing the road proile.
Zoom in until you can proceeding with clearly see the triangular grip located at the intersection of two lines. Connecting Objects to Objects 27 5. Notice the 3D view 6. In the profile view top-right , the top of the drain is elevated to match the road. The ease with which you just updated the design may cause you to take the underlying processes for granted; however, there is a lot happening behind the scenes.
In addition to all this, other changes took place that did not affect the design of the storm drain. This is the power of the Civil 3D dynamic environment. You should know, however, that the existence of these relationships is not necessarily automatic. They have to be considered and at times consciously built in to the design by the Civil 3D user. Connecting objects to labels There is also an important relationship between objects and labels. Labeling is one of the most time-consuming aspects of preparing a set of construction documents.
Although it is a very important part of the process, it really has nothing to do with the design. Usually, labels are placed when the design is already complete, as a means of communicating the necessary information for constructing the design in the ield. The big advantage of the dynamic relationship between objects and labels is that it enables the user to create a single label that is valid for the life of the object.
As the object changes, the label changes with it—so the label is always up to date and never has to be edited manually. Open Objects and Labels. Notice the elevation label, which currently reads Click one of the dark gray contour lines. This step is like using a bulldozer to cut the road 3.
Press Esc to clear the selection. Appreciating the richness of the 3d Model 29 5. Click the road centerline to select it and display its grips. Then click the triangular grip and drag it west to a point near the west edge of the road, as shown in Figure 2. Because the road is no longer inluenc- ing the elevation of this spot, the label reverts to its original value of The station offset label now displays updated values for station and offset.
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Objects and Labels – Complete. The primary purpose of Civil 3D is to help you prepare the instructions for how to build a land development project.
Thirty years ago, the method used to prepare land development plans was rela- tively the same as it had been for hundreds of years: plans were drawn on paper, providing only a two-dimensional depiction of what was to be built. The informa- tion that existed for the design was limited to what could be displayed on paper.
Then, with the advent of computers, something magical started to happen. Virtual versions of design components could be modeled electronically. They could be rep- resented in all three dimensions and even have additional information attached to them.
And so on, and so on. Thus, in 30 years we have progressed from ink on paper to 3D intelligent objects. The step from drawing with a pen to drawing with a mouse came early in that evo- lution—not 3D or intelligent, but lines on a screen that could be printed.
My sincere hope is that you will not be this type of end user, but instead will squeeze every dynamic rela- tionship possible into the models you build with Civil 3D.
You may not realize the full potential of the dynamic relationships you build until you have the opportunity to use them, but you can bet that they will pay dividends on every single project. Building information Modeling Building information modeling BIM has been a hot topic in the design, construc- tion, and facilities management ields for quite some time now.
Although some would argue that Civil 3D has little to do with the B building , it deinitely has the I information and the M modeling aspects. Many civil engineering projects are incidental to building construction and therefore present an opportunity for Civil 3D models to be integrated with BIM.
No model, no BIM. GPS-Guided Machine Control Imagine being able to download the instructions to assemble your bike and then upload them to your own personal robot, which would assemble the bike for you. That might sound like science iction, but something similar is common practice in the land development industry. Without a model, there is no GPS-guided machine control. Construction Simulation If you think about it, one thing that Civil 3D enables you to do is to simulate the project before having the contractor attempt to build it in the ield.
Why do this? The sequence of operations, staging of mate- rials, arrangement of equipment, and many other aspects can all be simulated with several products available on the market. No model, no simulation. With design software now commonly producing 3D models, the leap to 3D visualization is much shorter and easier to accomplish than ever before.
Clients, review agencies, and the public are begin- ning to expect renderings and even animations of proposed designs to be avail- able for them to assess. No model, no visualization. Building your designs as dynamic models does take a bit more effort and time, but as you develop more and more skills, the extra time and effort become a smaller fraction of the overall process.
The resulting models are much more use- ful, much more information rich, and much more valuable to your clients and the other parties involved in your projects. In addition, building designs as dynamic models improves the quality and efi- ciency of the design process. They can respond more quickly to design changes, reducing the overall cost involved in designing the project and increasing the bottom line.
Sharing Data in a Dynamic Environment So far, you have studied many ways in which relationships and interactions are Certification Objective used to make Civil 3D a powerful design solution; but all these relationships have been conined to a single drawing or a single user.
What happens in a team environment? Are there ways in which whole drawings can interact with one another? Can multiple team members establish dynamic relationships between their designs? The answer is yes, and the feature that makes it possible is the data shortcut.
Now, imagine a design team where Joe designs the proile in one drawing, Susan designs the road model in another drawing, and Jill designs the pipe system in yet another. A data shortcut is a link to a Civil 3D object that enables another drawing to get access to that object. You or someone else can then open another drawing and use that data shortcut to access the proile. Once you have accessed the proile, you can use it as part of another design, such as the case with the road model.
When a data shortcut is created, it is displayed in Prospector beneath the Data Shortcuts heading see Figure 2. Data shortcuts are stored within a data short- cuts projects folder.
This enables related data shortcuts, such as those pertaining to a given project, to be grouped together in one location. The folder that contains data-shortcuts folders is the working folder. It allows you to set up one location where all projects are stored. An icon next to them indicates that they are data references.
In Figure 2. Then you will reference the alignment and surface into a third draw- ing and use the information to create a proile. Open the ile named Surface.
If the Toolspace is not visible, click Toolspace on the Home tab of the ribbon. The Browse For Folder dialog box opens. Browse to the Chapter 02 class data folder, and select Sample Working Folder. Click OK. The New Data Shortcut Folder dialog box opens. Save the drawing. Click the Manage tab of the ribbon, and then click Create Data Shortcuts. The Create Data Shortcuts dialog box opens. Check the box next to Existing Ground, and click OK.
Open the ile named Alignment. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the alignment named Main Road A. Open the ile named Profile. Contours in the drawing indicate a newly added surface. A alignment. A new alignment is created in the drawing.
The Create Proile From Surface dialog box opens. The Create Proile View — General dialog box opens. Click Create Proile View. Pick a point in the top-right viewport.
When you click Add, you A new proile is created that is the result of relating an alignment are in a sense adding to a surface see Figure 2. This proile represents the interaction the surface to the align- among three different drawings.
Save and close all drawings. Now You Know Now that you have completed this chapter, you understand the dynamic environment of Civil 3D. You comprehend how styles are applied to objects to change their appearance and behavior. This includes objects such as alignments and surfaces and also labels. And, finally, you can share data on a team by using data shortcuts to share design data between drawings. Now that you understand and appreciate the dynamic Civil 3D environment, you will move forward into the next chapters with greater insight.
As you progress through this book, be on the lookout for instances where this dynamic environment offers power and efficiency. Remember these examples and take them with you when you begin designing your own projects using Civil 3D. If sculptors were to create works of art from wood, they would probably begin by studying the original piece of wood, assessing its dimensions, shape, and surface features. These elements would all factor into how the sculptors would approach their work.
A sculptor with some computer savvy might even model the original piece of wood on a computer and plan out each cut of material. In this chapter, we are going to explore the irst activities that are per- formed during a land-development project: the measurement, mapping, and modeling of the land in its existing form. The measurement and mapping of land is known as surveying, and the data that is collected during the process is known as survey data.
Think back to the last time you played connect-the-dots to draw a picture. Ever wonder who made the dots and how they were made? Someone skilled at this would make just enough dots to deine the features but not so many as to make them confusing or wasteful. The dots are a way of capturing an image and transferring it to another location.
In land development, the land is the picture and the surveyor is the one who makes the dots—referred to as points. This enables a technician to play connect-the-dots in 3D to create a 3D model in addition to a 2D map of the features of the land. A description code identiies the type of feature that a dot, or point, is intended to represent see Figure 3.
How can you keep track of all those points? How can they be easily turned into a 3D model of the land? Is there some way of automat- ing the connect-the-dots process?
Creating a survey database 37 Reality Capture The technology of reality capture has become more and more common in the last few years. Reality capture refers to the use of high-density laser scanners to collect millions or even billions of data points. The resulting data is often referred to as a point cloud because, due to its density, the data often looks like a cloud or fog. With this approach, there is no need to play connect-the-dots because the data points are so close together that they define the shape of the land.
The image here shows an example of point cloud data that has been imported into Civil 3D. The raw data is linked with the screen representation of the points in the survey database, which is linked with the linework generated by connecting those points, and so on. Unzip the iles visible, you can click Toolspace on the Home to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the tab of the ribbon.
If introduction. Then, follow these steps: the Survey tab is not visible, click the Survey 1. Open Civil 3D, and click New on the application menu. When icon to the right of the prompted for a template, browse to the Chapter 03 class data folder Toolspace icon. Click the Survey tab of the Toolspace. Browse to and select the Chapter 03 class data folder, and click OK. This will create a folder in Chapter 03 named Essentials. Type Essentials as the new database name, and click OK.
The Essentials database is now shown on the Survey tab. The survey database establishes and manages relationships between these different components. Close the drawing without saving. The process of importing data requires some important questions to be answered. Exercise 3. Unzip the iles complete steps 2—4 to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the in Exercise 3.
Open the drawing named Import Survey Data. The Essentials 1 database is the result of 2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Import Survey Data. This 3. Select the Essentials 1 survey database, and click Next. Click the plus icon under Selected Files, and browse to the Chapter 03 class data folder. Here are a few of the most common forms: Field Book File This is considered a legacy format unique to Autodesk products such as Land Desktop and older versions of Civil 3D.
Many surveyors have moved on from field book files but have done so fairly recently. For that reason, you might still find them to be quite common. One difference with field book files is that they can store the measurements exactly as they were taken in the field. The other formats listed here contain points that have been reduced to coordinates.
This nonproprietary format enables data to be exchanged between programs created by different software companies. Point File The point file is probably the most generic and universally accepted way of delivering point data.
This type of file is plain text and can be opened in a program like Microsoft Notepad. Regardless of age, cost, or origin, nearly all surveying and civil engineering programs are capable of producing this type of file. Points From Drawing With this option, you can open a drawing that already contains points and add them to your survey database.
Remember that the survey database is stored outside the drawing, so the points you see in the drawing are PNEZD represents a representation of what is stored there. Then select Topo Survey. Click Next. Measurements can be linked so that accuracy 9. The survey Click Finish. Automating Field-to-Finish 41 Zoom in to the drawing, and examine what you see see Figure 3.
To do this, type ZE at the command line and press Enter. You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Import Survey Data – Complete. The survey database named Essentials 2 is provided for the next exercise and matches what you should have at the end of this exercise. It contains the same points you just imported. Before computers, the point data collected in the A topographic map can ield was plotted on paper by hand, and draftspeople skillfully connected the dots be thought of as a and employed other methods to create the desired topographic map.
The process 3D map: the 2D outlines was manual in the truest sense of the word. Next came the irst CAD programs, of surface features in which points could be plotted on a computer screen and the dots connected combined with contour lines representing the using primitive entities such as lines, arcs, polylines, and blocks. This is what third dimension. As you might guess, the process of making a drawing out of point data is quite tedious and presents an opportunity for automation. Imagine using the result from the steps in the previous section see Figure 3.
With no information accompanying the points, it would be nearly impossible. You can do this using the Points From File command on the Insert tab of the ribbon, as shown in the following illustration: The resulting dialog box shown next provides only one choice for file format—a text file—and no association with a survey database or linework code is set. These include the automatic generation of linework, accuracy adjustment, and others.
Points created without the management of the survey database are easily edited. They can also be freely edited using the Properties window. Using the Points From File function is definitely quicker and simpler than using the Import Survey Data command; however, there are considerable differences in functionality. When you choose which method to use, be sure to consider the level of protection, ease of editing, ability to generate linework, and interrelationship between points and survey measurements.
Each method serves a different purpose and should be chosen appropriately. Automating Field-to-Finish 43 The following Civil 3D features enable you to convert raw ield data into drawing information. For example, they might include the string BEG when locating the irst point on a fence line, which means to begin a new feature at that point. The linework code set correlates these ield codes with instructions that control the generation of linework in the drawing.
Another way to think of a linework code set is as a translator between ield language and Civil 3D language. Unzip the iles The Essentials 2 to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the database is the result of introduction. Then, follow these steps: correctly completing the previous exercise.
This 1. Open the drawing named Linework Code Set. If you receive an 4. Expand Import Events. Right-click Topo Survey. Click the Browse icon next to File to open the text ile. Notice the correctly. Close the text ile, and click Cancel to dismiss the Import Event Properties dialog box. Click the icon in the top-left corner of the Survey tab to edit the survey user settings. Click the plus sign next to Linework Code Sets.
You should now see Essentials listed as a Linework Code Set. The codes in the linework code set named Sample were different, and therefore no line- work was drawn when you imported the survey data. Under Import Events, right-click Topo Survey. You should see a series You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening of lines appear in the Linework Code Set – Complete. The survey database named Essentials 3 drawing. As you’ll learn later in this is provided for the next exercise and matches what you should have at the end of chapter, these lines this exercise.
Point Styles Not all points are meant to be connected with other points. Some represent stand-alone features such as power poles, manholes, or trees. These types of features are typically represented with a symbol that either resembles their true form or uniquely identiies them.
With the Point Styles feature, a symbol can be used to mark a point, meaning the likeness of a power pole, manhole, or tree can be used instead of an x or a dot. Point label Styles For some points, you might want labeling to be included automatically. When the annotation is very uniform, Point Label Styles can be employed to provide the desired labels automatically. Description Keys As discussed, it takes a lot of points to capture several acres of land effectively.
Certification Objective To make things even more challenging, ield crews often use abbreviated ver- sions of descriptions to represent points, such as EP for edge of pavement, CLRD for centerline of road, and so on. The result is hundreds or even thousands of points all clumped together and labeled with cryptic abbreviated descriptions. Description keys solve this problem by automatically sorting the points onto the appropriate layers, rewriting the abbreviated descriptions to full-length descrip- tions, and automatically applying point styles to control the appearance of the points.
Imagine the time saved when this is done automatically for 10, points. Open the drawing named Description Keys. Right-click Essentials, and select Edit Keys. Select Tree as the point style, and click OK. Click the green check mark to dismiss Panorama.
Click the Prospector tab, and then click Points. In the listing of points at the bottom of Prospector, scroll to the right and click the Raw Description column heading to sort the points by A raw description is usually the code that that property. Scroll to the bottom of the list where all the TR points are now located. Right-click one of the points, and select Apply Description Keys.
One make it easier on field of the points in the drawing should become a tree symbol. All the trees in the drawing are now clearly visible and appropriately represented.
Return to the Settings tab, and edit the Essentials description key set once again. Apply description keys to the TR points from although the label is within Prospector as you did before. A better result would Apply the description keys to the TR points again. You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Description Keys – Complete.
No change was made to the survey database during this exercise. The parts of the raw description are sepa- rated by spaces and numbered from left to right, starting at zero.
This is a great way for the person in the field to control the outcome in the drawing with as few keystrokes as possible. Automating Field-to-Finish 47 Figure Prefix Database As discussed, the linework code set handles how ield codes are translated into line- Certification Objective work commands, but what happens to those features once they are drawn?
What layer are they drawn on? Do they have any special purpose such as a property line or breakline? The igure preix database is the means by which these decisions can be made up front for speciic codes. For example, any feature drawn through points coded EP edge of pavement will be drawn on the pavement layer and tagged as a key component for establishing a hard edge in the 3D model of the terrain, also known as a breakline.
Open the drawing named Figure Prefix Database. Browse to and select the Chapter 03 class data folder, and then click OK. Note that some codes 4. Right-click are designated as Figure Preix Databases, and select Refresh.
These lines can be used 5. Right-click Essentials, and select Make Current. Right-click Essentials to define hard edges in a again, and, this time, select Manage Figure Preix Database. Scroll down, and examine the codes in the Name column.
If the contents of the Essentials 3 survey database are not visible, right-click Essentials 3 and select Open For Edit. The Essentials 3 database is the result of 9. This database is provided to Civil 3D redraws the linework, the current exercise with the correct version. This is evident in the linetypes that are applied to the treelines and fence lines, which are now appropriately represented on the drawing see Figure 3.
Survey Figures At this point, you may be wondering what the word figure means, or, specifi- cally, what a survey figure is. A survey figure is commonly used to represent visible features such as fence lines, edges of pavement, and treelines as well as topographic features such as tops and bot- toms of embankments.
The topographic feature line layers are usually turned off when the drawing is plotted. Survey figures can be referenced by other Civil 3D objects such as surfaces, feature lines, and corridors, enabling design work to tie into existing features and topography, where applicable. Automating Field-to-Finish 49 You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Figure Prefix Database – Complete. The survey database named Essentials 4 is provided for the next exercise and matches what you should have at the end of this exercise.
Point Groups Point groups are another way of managing large amounts of point data. This Certification Objective feature enables you to sort points based on a number of factors, such as descrip- tion, elevation, point number, and manual selection. You can set up point groups ahead of time so that points can be automatically sorted into groups as they are imported into the drawing.
You can also create new point groups on the ly to sort points as you go. Once points have been grouped, you can use them to study and manipulate multiple points at once. The groups are listed in Prospector, and you can view the points contained in each group simply by clicking the group name and viewing the contents of the point group in the item view at the bottom see Figure 3.
In addition, many point-editing commands allow you to select points by group, enabling you to modify large numbers of points at once. With this capability, you can make points in a certain group take on speciic graphical characteristics by controlling the point style and point label style. Open the drawing named Point Groups. In Prospector, right-click Point Groups and select New.
Click the Raw Description Matching tab. Expand Point Groups, and click the Buildings point group in Prospector. Examine the list of points shown in the Prospector item view at the bot- tom. Note that they all are points with a BLD description. Create the following point groups with the associated raw descrip- tions listed. You should find 8. You may need 9. Then right-click the Style column heading, and select Edit. Click the green check mark to close Panorama. Automating Field-to-Finish 51 Now the point style assigned by the point groups point group that must is able to have an effect, and most of the points change from x mark- exist in all drawings.
As the name implies, it always contains all the In Prospector, right-click the Ground Shots point group and select points in the drawing. Secret Code? You may be wondering what the raw descriptions mean in step 6 of Exercise 3. What you see here are abbreviations for items that are commonly located in the field by surveyors. In the interest of efficiency, abbreviated codes are typed in the field instead of the full names of the features.
On the Information tab, select Ground Shot as the default point style Imagine selecting all and Elevation Only as the default point label style. Click OK, and these road points one notice what happens to all the ground shot points in the drawing. Click the Output tab of the ribbon, and then click Export Points. Click OK, and browse to your Chapter 03 class data folder. Enter Road Points as the name of the ile, and click Open. Then click OK to dismiss the Export Points dialog box. You have just created a You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening file that only contains Description Keys – Complete.
The survey database was not changed as a points in the Roads point group. You might result of this exercise. Point Groups vs. Description Keys At this point, you may be scratching your head a bit, thinking that a few minutes ago you learned that description keys control the point style and point label style assigned to a point. Feel better about it? One of the properties of a point group is the ability to set up an override. The Overrides tab in the Point Group Properties dialog box enables you to do this.
By thoroughly understanding how each method can be applied to your point data, you can use both point groups and description keys to stylize and organize your points in the best way possible. In an actual production environment, the changes you make to the description key set should be incorporated into the company template so that the tree points are handled correctly for all future jobs. The book focuses on real-world applications in professional environments, and presents topics and ideas not found anywhere else.
Lessons begin simply, with an overview of the software and interface, and then gradually progress to more complex topics. From surveying and mapping, to design, to documentation and analysis, the program offers expanded capabilities and complementary workflows, allowing easy integration with InfraWorks, Revit Structure, and more.
The ability to complete a project within a single suite means increased productivity and continuity, which translates into quicker turnaround, better-designed structures, and streamlined project management. The savvy civil engineering professional must be well versed in the program’s full functionality as it expands throughout government agencies and private companies.
This book features in-depth coverage of topics including:Surveying, points, and alignmentsProfiles, corridors, and gradingLandXML and LDT project transferVisualization, sheets, and project managementThe book also features downloadable datasets that enable you to access the lessons most relevant to your needs, and includes an objectives map to help you prepare for the Civil 3D certification exam.
For the civil engineering professional hoping to remain relevant in a changing industry, Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D is the ultimate resource. Learn the leading civil engineering software, fast and in full color If you need to learn the core features and functions of AutoCAD Civil 3D now , this is the book for you. AutoCAD Civil 3D Essentials uses full-color screenshots and tutorials based on real workflows to teach you the fundamentals of this industry-leading civil engineering software.
Award-winning instructor Eric Chappell has been using and teaching Civil 3D since its first release, and his to-the-point explanations of crucial Civil 3D topics mean that you’ll learn what you need to know quickly and efficiently.
In each chapter, you will progress from guided tutorials to open-ended civil projects, and can download before and after project files to check your work or jump directly to the
(PDF) Auto CAD Civil 3D Essentials Autodesk Official Press | Andi Padang – replace.me.Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D Autodesk Official Press – PDF Free Download
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This book is part of a family of premium-quality Sybex books, all of which are written by outstanding authors who combine practical experience with a gift for teaching. Sybex was founded in From the paper we print on, to the authors we work with, our goal is to bring you the best books available. I hope you see all that relected in these pages. Feel free to let me know what you think about this or any other Sybex book by sending me an email at contactus sybex.
Customer feedback is critical to our efforts at Sybex. I am very encouraged by the emails I get from readers throughout the year, asking questions and offering suggestions, and I especially like those that compliment the book. Mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download Willem Knibbe, thanks once again for making the book happen.
To Pete Gaughan, kudos for taking the reins and being a great coordinator, sounding board, and go-to person. To Kim Wimpsett, thanks for putting up with me and making the book better than I could have ever made it myself. To Joshua Modglin, thanks again for giving me the peace of mind of knowing you had my back on the technical aspects. And to my family, for putting up with a fourth year of Dad working late nights and being distracted увидеть больше sometimes stressed, and for all the other not-so-fun aspects of having an author in the family: thank you.
In the 12 years prior to that, he wrote training materials and performed training for end users, train- ers, and Autodesk employees around the globe. For several years, he has worked with Autodesk in authoring and developing two Autodesk certiication exams. He also served as design systems manager for Timmons Group, a civil engineer- ing and surveying irm based in Richmond, Virginia, where he managed soft- ware, standards, and training for more than users.
Eric is also a highly rated instructor at Autodesk University, where he has taught for the mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download 10 years. Идея microsoft powerpoint 2013 step by step pdf free download знаю to writing and consulting, Eric spent nearly 10 years in the civil engineer- ing and surveying ields while working for the H.
Lenz Company in На этой странице, Pennsylvania. During his time at H. Lenz, he gained considerable practical experience as a survey crewman, designer, engineer, and CAD supervisor. Eric is originally from southwestern Pennsylvania, but he has lived in the Richmond, Virginia, area for the past 13 years with his wife and four children.
He enjoys being outdoors and spending time with his family. He can sometimes be ссылка playing drums for the band Sons of Zebedee, which plays at a variety of events in the Central Virginia area. Other titles may also be available throughout the year based on the release of more InfraWorks modules.
If you would like to contact the author regarding comments or suggestions, please email CivilEssentials gmail. Since the irst version of the book was released, I have received tons нажмите чтобы перейти great feedback about how well this book functions in many learning environments. I have also used the book myself to teach classes in a corporate environment, and I am very pleased with how it performs.
I am conident that the goals I listed have been met, and for that reason I have held to the same writing style, format, and delivery that proved to be so successful in the previous versions. In fact, the example project is based on a residential development that was built about 10 years ago, not mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download from my home.
There were many times when I felt frustrated and lost because I was learning new and foreign concepts and did not see how they related to the real world. I can remember being out in the ield during my surveying class—looking through the survey instru- ment, writing down measurements, and having no idea why.
Eventually I learned all about survey- ing, and now I have an in-depth understanding of how those measurements relate to designing and building roads, buildings, and other things—but it took many years. Following are the details. Probably the most obvious difference is the theme of the user interface, which has gone to a much darker color scheme in the version. All applicable images have been updated in this version of the book to account for this bold new look.
In addition, all the exercises have been reviewed and modiied to ensure that they are consistent with the release.
Defined Exercises The structure of the book has been modiied so there is greater distinction between the informational portions of the book and hands-on exercises. Exercises are numbered and shown in the table of contents. Also, there is a Complete version of the exercise ile s in each appli- cable case so you or your students can compare your results to what is expected. The information portions have been separated from the actual instructions describing the picks and clicks that you should be performing in the software.
This makes it clearer which parts you should do versus those you should know. The result is a more direct, eficient, hands-on experience when completing the exercises. See www. The concepts include those related to Civil 3D as well as those related to civil engineering and surveying in general. This foundation can then serve as a stepping-off point as you learn more advanced skills and work toward an in-depth understanding mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download Civil 3D.
See the Autodesk website www. This book contains many screen captures of Civil 3D drawings, which were all produced with these distinctive changes to the user interface.
Also, at times, the exercises refer to drawing entities by color, which is sometimes dependent on the background color. This will create a folder named Civil 3D Essentials with the chapter folder inside it.
As you unzip additional chapter iles, simply merge the new Civil 3D folder into the old one. The resulting iles and folders will appear similar to the following image: Zip iles are available in imperial and metric units. As you complete the exercises, metric values will be shown in parentheses.
The imperial and metric values for a given item usually are not equivalent, to avoid using irregular values for the design. You can also contact me directly by email at CivilEssentials gmail.
You can also access additional tools and materials to help you design, visualize, and simulate ideas. Connect with other learners to stay current with the latest industry trends and get the most out of your designs. Get started today at www. Please visit www. What is Covered in his Book? Chapter 2: leveraging a Dynamic Environment Demonstrates the dynamic Civil 3D environment to establish its importance and encourage you to take full mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download of it whenever possible.
This chapter focuses on important relationships between different components of a typical design model. Chapter 3: Establishing Existing Conditions using Survey Data Demonstrates how to convert survey ield measurements into a Civil 3D drawing while focusing on the survey functions of Civil 3D.
This chapter covers creating a survey database, importing data, and processing the data to create a map of the project. This chapter covers creating a new surface and adding data to it to form a 3D model of the before-construction condition of the project. Chapter 5: Designing in 2D using Alignments Demonstrates how to perform basic читать полностью layout while focusing on the alignment functions of Civil 3D. This chap- ter covers creating alignments, applying design criteria, and editing alignments.
Chapter 6: Displaying and Annotating Alignments Demonstrates how to control the appearance of alignments and provide annotation while focusing on Civil 3D alignment styles and alignment labels. This chapter covers applying alignment styles, creating alignment labels, and creating alignment tables.
Chapter 7: Designing vertically using Profiles Demonstrates how to design the vertical aspect of a linear feature while focusing on the proile functions of Civil 3D.
This chapter covers creating proiles, applying design criteria, editing proiles, and displaying proiles in proile views. Chapter 8: Displaying and Annotating Profiles Demonstrates how to control the appearance of proiles and provide annotation while focusing on Civil 3D proile styles and нажмите чтобы перейти labels.
This chapter covers applying proile styles, creating proile labels, and object projection. Chapter 9: Designing in 3D using Corridors Demonstrates how to design a 3D model of a linear feature while focusing on the corridor functions of Civil 3D. This chapter covers creating assemblies, creating and editing corridors, and cre- ating corridor surfaces. Chapter Creating Cross Sections of the Design Demonstrates how to generate and display cross sections of your design while focusing on the sample line and section functions of Civil 3D.
This chapter covers creating sample lines, sampling various sources, and creating section views.
Mastering autocad civil 3d 2015 autodesk official press pdf free download. Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016: Autodesk Official Press
You are currently using the site but have requested a page in the site. Would you like to change to the site? Product not available for purchase. Cyndy Davenport , Ishka Voiculescu. With combined experience in both civil engineering and Autodesk Civil 3D, authors Cyndy Davenport and Ishka Voiculescu guide you through the ins and outs of the program, from the fundamentals to the little-known tricks that make a big difference.
The book focuses on real-world applications in professional environments, and presents topics and ideas not found anywhere else. Lessons begin simply, with an overview of the software and interface, and then gradually progress to more complex topics.
From surveying and mapping, to design, to documentation and analysis, the program offers expanded capabilities and complementary workflows, allowing easy integration with InfraWorks, Revit Structure, and more.
The ability to complete a project within a single suite means increased productivity and continuity, which translates into quicker turnaround, better-designed structures, and streamlined project management.
The savvy civil engineering professional must be well versed in the program’s full functionality as it expands throughout government agencies and private companies. This book features in-depth coverage of topics including:. The book also features downloadable datasets that enable you to access the lessons most relevant to your needs, and includes an objectives map to help you prepare for the Civil 3D certification exam. For the civil engineering professional hoping to remain relevant in a changing industry, Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D is the ultimate resource.
View Instructor Companion Site. Cyndy Davenport has been working in the land development industry for 27 years in the capacity of design, technology management, implementation, training, and support. Cyndy is a regular speaker at Autodesk University and blogs at c3dcougar. Ishka Voiculescu is an engineer at the City of Austin Public works and has extensive experience using the Autodesk Suite products for planning, design, and visualization.
He is a member of various engineering groups, an active forum contributor, and blogs at civildigest. Request permission to reuse content from this site.
Undetected location. NO YES. Selected type: Paperback. This is a dummy description. This book features in-depth coverage of topics including: Surveying, points, and alignments Profiles, corridors, and grading LandXML and LDT project transfer Visualization, sheets, and project management The book also features downloadable datasets that enable you to access the lessons most relevant to your needs, and includes an objectives map to help you prepare for the Civil 3D certification exam.
Instructor View Instructor Companion Site. About the Author Cyndy Davenport has been working in the land development industry for 27 years in the capacity of design, technology management, implementation, training, and support. Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site. Chapters Error Customer noticed that the files associated with the bonus chapters for the version are missing as compared to what was posted for the version.