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Final fantasy x pc game download
FINAL FANTASY X X-2 HD Remaster is an Action, Adventure, and RPG game for PC published by Square Enix in This is classic FFX10! Final Fantasy X is a groundbreaking RPG and one of the best in the series. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact.
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster [PC Download] | Square Enix Store – Available on
Up until this part, there was character development and the hints of what could be coming, but after this sequence I started having a vested interest in who these characters were and their plight. In other words, what normally occurs for me earlier in Final Fantasy games finally kicked into full swing about four hours into the game. As it stands now, I see Tidus for what he really is and, thankfully, I have since replaced Wakka’s blitzball with throwing orbs more suitable to doling out damage.
Something I wasn’t expecting was how the game flows. You and your party would then leave whatever location you were at and be allowed to roam some massive countryside looking for the city of Thumscara.
But in FFX , the game completely removes this ability. When you find out you will be traveling to Luca, a small cut-scene pops up reminiscent of those Indiana Jones movies, where it shows the line being drawn from one city to the next.
Well, after that you then most likely will watch some more of the game’s numerous cut-scenes and, once the cut-scene is finished, you have arrived at your location. It is impossible to get lost in this game since you always seem to be led around by your nose. There is even a pop-up map that appears with a red indicator arrow telling you exactly where to go once you reach the city or other location.
It’s up to you, if you want to open a door you might see that isn’t indicated by the arrow, but for the most part the room will probably just contain a treasure chest and you will have to exit it and continue on your path. I honestly say that I missed the old style of traveling. The back of the game boasts a newly designed battle system and, while I wouldn’t have put it quite in those terms, there are some new aspects to the battle. Like so many other games, combat is turned-based and only three of your party will battle at any one time.
The biggest improvement on this tried and true formula is the ability to swap out other characters during combat. Let me explain. Tidus, Yuna and Lulu are drawn into battle against some flying critters.
Well, the game indicates that Wakka is the best character for flying opponents, so when Yuna’s turn comes up, instead of having her do a regular attack or heal or any number of other functions, I pull the L1 button, which pauses the game and pulls up the listing of all characters not currently in combat.
I then select Wakka and Yuna runs off screen and is replaced by Wakka, who doesn’t even forfeit a turn. The same move that swaps Wakka into combat also allows me to have him attack right away. I thought this to be a pretty effective way to battle. Plus there’s the fact that if certain requirements have been met, a scrolling line of information appears at the top of the screen, informing you of your current opponent’s weaknesses. Some important rules of this new combat addition: if a character dies during combat, you cannot swap him or her out for one of your reserves.
If Yuna calls forth one of her Aeons, all characters leave the field of combat as the Aeon then takes over. However, if the Aeon is killed during combat, the team of three that was originally fighting will return in order to continue the battle.
I must say, I fully appreciated the complexities and strategy of this added combat function. Should a character go down or die, I simply would swap another character for Yuna who could promptly revive them and then get swapped out of combat once again. Lastly, all characters have original ‘special’?
Overdrives can occur only when the overdrive meter has become full during the combat mode. Essentially, every time you attack an enemy, the meter goes up a little bit.
Once it has been filled, you can select the ‘overdrive’? What happens is the character in overdrive then goes into an elaborate mini cut-scene where said character performs some super attack. Some overdrives are tied in with a small mini-game that must be quickly completed for the overdrive to have maximum effect. An example would be a line with a small ball going back and forth on it.
You can choose any platform on which you want to play the game at your convenience. Download Now. If you still face any problems or want to report any bugs please contact me. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Table of Contents. Who is the producer of this game? This game is produced by Yoshinori Kitase. All the local launches comprise content from the globally released versions.
It consists of story content that was found earlier only in the global editions, and a new audio-based drama set one year after the X2 events. The final fantasy game series has won over the hearts of gaming enthusiasts for just one but many reasons. One of the reasons happens to be the features offered by all games in this series.
This is a new inclusion in this series and has a lot of new features which are mentioned below as follows:. Graphics is one of the most looked for aspects in any game and as far as you consider the graphics part of this game, you are going to love it. Be it the villains, heroes, monsters, cutscenes and environments everything has an HD makeover so that you can get the best out of these classic games with improved graphics. The gameplay here can be tailored and switched smoothly in between the arranged and remastered or even the classic audio from originals.
Beta testers in japan need both, but perhaps the final version won’t require so much. Will there be a monthly fee to play? Our guess is yes. The most crucial answer we’re looking for is a U.
Young Tidus is a champion Blitzball player more on this later who, through the unlucky happenstance of an evil entity called ‘Sin,? Yuna, is a summoner in this future world where she has been charged with the dubious task of collecting all of the Aeons Aeons being powerful spirits locked in holy sanctuaries throughout the land of the land in order to summarily destroy Sin. Auron is the mighty swordsman who travels back and forth through these two times believing that Sin can only be defeated by uniting Tidus and Yuna.
Together with Yuna’s guardians, Lulu, the black magic caster, Wakka, the captain of the local Blitzball team and Kimahri the stoic, deadly Man-Beast, Tidus will become engaged in an adventure that he never believed possible. Meeting up with the strange clan called the Al Bhed and the ‘hot as a pistol’?
Rikku, Tidus’ days as a spoiled professional athlete are over. Final Fantasy X is another epic game in the same vein as the previous nine. Huge sprawling cities that are teeming with fantastical devices are coupled with the fact that you are traveling with a woman clutching a doll capable of launching lightning from the heavens. And, as is the tradition, this game has nothing to do with the previous nine.
The only constant is the chocobos that seem to breed everywhere in the universe that is Final Fantasy. Alright, let’s get down to the meat of it.
When I initially put this game into my PS2, I was a little taken back. The first thing I noticed were the shaky graphics of Tidus’ hand in the intro and, well, was I being a little too overcritical? But this is the granddaddy of all RPG franchises AND the game that all other RPGs aspire to be on the console systems, so I was a little surprised to see this minor flaw right out of the gate.
As I began to play the game several things became apparent to me. One, our primary hero Tidus, is an overly friendly, outgoing, professional athlete who, for some reason, looks like he belongs in a boy-band. I guess I’m used to these angst-ridden, solemn characters who are haunted by some past tragedy. Well, the next thing I found a bit strange is the character Wakka. Wakka is a blitzball player in the future and carries a blitzball as his initial weapon. The part that confused me was whether this is the same blitzball that’s used in the actual sport, since in this sport, players kick, throw, and catch this particular ball, without any sort of damage occurring.
So why would you carry an object like this into battle? I liken this to carrying a football into combat. Yes, you could throw it at someone and even hurt them if they weren’t looking especially if it hit them in the nose but can you honestly say that you could kill an animal the size of an antelope with one?
I know I couldn’t. I liken Tidus’ situation to the movie Flash Gordon. In that movie Flash is a professional football player quarterback for the NY Jets who is thrust into a situation where he must save the Earth from Ming the Merciless.
How Flash automatically knew how to use weapons, swordfight, and fly rocket cycles was never explained, but this same kind logic is apparent in Final Fantasy X. Tidus instantly picks up a sword and can wield it with deadly intent.
And just like Flash Gordon, this situation is a little hard to grip in the beginning. Having Tidus be a professional athlete certainly explains his physical prowess and speed, but it never answers the combat question.
Final fantasy x pc game download
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