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Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. You can click the numerical display to reset the displayed value. Peak Hold value Peak Hold indicator Sample Peak indicator Average meter Input section with Meters and Input Level control Input Level The Input Level control sets the input gain of the plug-in before processing, letting you boost or attenuate gain at the plug-in input stage.

Peak indicators in the Output meters To adjust the level of the input signal, do one of the following: Click in the Input Level field to type a value Click the Input Level control and drag up or down to adjust the Input Level setting. Input Meters The Input meters show peak signal levels before processing. The Output meters can also be toggled to show post-processing gain attenuation meters.

Output Level The Output Level control sets the output level after processing, letting you make up gain or prevent clipping on the channel where the Pro Compression plug-in is being used. Click the Output Volume control and drag up or down to adjust the Output Volume setting.

Output Meters The Output meters show peak signal levels after processing. Attenuation Meters The Output meter can be switched to show Attenuation metering for the processed signal from 0 db to 36 db. The display shows a vertical line representing the Threshold setting for the Compressor.

The cursor updates to show which control is being adjusted: Threshold Ratio Knee Depth To adjust the Threshold setting using the Dynamics graph: Gain reduction amount y-axis Position the cursor over the vertical Threshold line in the graph and drag left or right to make the adjustment.

Dynamics graph display Threshold The Dynamics Graph display also features an animated red ball in the gain transfer curve display. This ball shows the amount of input gain x-axis and gain reduction y-axis being applied to the incoming signal at any given moment. To indicate overshoots when an incoming signal peak is too fast for the current compression setting , the ball temporarily leaves the gain transfer curve.

Use this graph as a visual guideline to see how much dynamics processing you are applying to the incoming audio signal. Cursor indicates Threshold adjustment To adjust the Ratio setting using the Dynamics graph: Position the cursor over the ratio curve in the graph and drag up or down or left or right to make the adjustment. Detection Modes Pro Compressor provides several different detection options for determining how the compressor responds to the input signal. To change the detection mode for the compressor: Click the desired detection mode from the options available above the Dynamics graph.

Detection mode options Smart mode selected Cursor indicates Knee adjustment To adjust the Depth setting using the Dynamics graph: Position the cursor over the horizontal Depth line in the graph and drag up or down or left or right to make the adjustment. Cursor indicates Depth adjustment Detection options include the following: Smart Select the Smart option for tracks with diverse input signals, or if you are simply not sure what detector works best with the given audio material.

The Smart option analyzes the incoming signal and interpolates between the different detection modes as needed. This lets you apply a lot of compression without distortion or pumping. The RMS option is similar to the Average option, but with a faster release time. Average Select the Average option to apply processing according to the detected average amplitude of the input signal. Peak Select the Peak option to apply processing according to the detected peak amplitude of the input signal.

Fast Select the Fast option for tracks with high and short transient signals, such as a snare drum track. The Fast option is similar to the Peak option, but with faster attack and release times.

However, be careful when using the Fast option as it distorts earlier than the other options. Be sure to configure the other compressor settings with this in mind. Chapter 3: Pro Compressor This can help you hear what parts of the input signal are triggering compression, which, in turn, can help you better understand the characteristics of the compressor with the current settings.

To enable or disable Attenuation Listen mode: Click the Attenuation Listen button the speaker icon at the top right of the dynamics graph so that it is highlighted. The button flashes while Attenuation Listen mode is enabled. To disable it, click the button again so that it is not highlighted.

Pro Compressor Controls Threshold The Threshold control sets the level that an input signal must exceed to trigger compression.

A signal will be compressed if its level exceeds this setting. If the signal level falls below this value, no compression will occur. Ratio The Ratio control sets the compression ratio the amount of compression applied as the input signal exceeds the threshold. For example, a compression ratio means that a 2 db increase of level above the threshold produces a 1 db increase in output. The compression ratio ranges from 1. Once the Ratio control hits The LMTR setting marks the highest normal compression mode before the onset of negative compression values from Attenuation Listen mode enabled At the LMTR setting, for every decibel that the incoming signal goes over the set Threshold, 1 db of gain reduction is applied.

Compressor Ratio set to a negative value With these settings, for every decibel that the incoming signal goes over the set Threshold, more than 1 db of gain reduction is applied according to the negative Ratio setting. For example, at the setting of 1. Consequently, the output signal is both compressed and made softer. You can use this as a creative effect, or as a kind of ducking effect when used with an external key input.

Knee The Knee control sets the rate at which the compressor reaches full compression once the threshold has been exceeded. As you increase this control, it goes from applying hard-knee compression to soft-knee compression: With hard-knee compression, compression begins when the input signal exceeds the threshold.

This can sound abrupt and is ideal for limiting. With soft-knee compression, gentle compression begins and increases gradually as the input signal approaches the threshold, and reaches full compression after exceeding the threshold. This creates smoother compression. Attack The Attack control sets the attack time, or the rate at which gain is reduced after the input signal level crosses the threshold.

The smaller the value, the faster the attack. The faster the attack, the more rapidly the compressor applies attenuation to the signal.

If you use fast attack times, you should generally use a proportionally longer release time, particularly with material that contains many peaks in close proximity.

The actual compression attack time is also dependent on the selected Detection mode. Each mode has its own attack and release times that are calculated in advance of compression processing.

If a slower Detection mode is selected such as AVG , the fastest possible actual attack time for compression can only be about 20 ms. The selected Detection mode similarly affects the compressor release time. Release The Release control sets the length of time it takes for compression to be fully deactivated after the input signal drops below the threshold.

Release times should be set long enough that if signal levels repeatedly rise above the threshold, the gain reduction recovers smoothly. If the release time is too short, the gain can rapidly fluctuate as the compressor repeatedly tries to recover from the gain reduction. If the release time is too long, a loud section of the audio material could cause gain reduction that continues through soft sections of program material without recovering. If you set Depth to 10 db, no more than 10 db of gain reduction is applied to the incoming signal.

Dry Mix The Dry Mix control sets the balance between the compressed signal wet and the original signal dry. The Dry Mix setting determines how much of the original signal is sent to the output rather than the processed signal. With side-chain filters, you can make dynamics processing more or less sensitive to certain frequencies.

For example, you might configure the side-chain so that certain lower frequencies on a drum track trigger dynamics processing. Makeup The Makeup control lets you boost overall output gain to compensate for heavily compressed or limited signals.

Side-Chain Processing Dynamics processors typically use the detected amplitude of their input signal to trigger gain reduction. This is known as a side-chain signal. Pro Compressor provides filters for side-chain processing and supports external key side-chain capabilities.

With external key side-chain processing, you can trigger dynamics processing using an external signal such as a separate reference track or audio source instead of the input signal.

This external source is known as the key input. Selecting the Source for side-chain processing Internal Source Stereo Pairs When Int-StereoPairs is selected, the plug-in uses the amplitude of the input signal to trigger dynamics processing based on stereo input.

With greaterthan-stereo multichannel processing, the input signal for each stereo pair affects only those same channels, and likewise mono channels are affected only by their own input signal. For example, with an LCR multichannel format, the processing for the Center channel is only triggered when the Center channel input signal reaches the threshold.

However, when the input signal reaches the threshold on the Left or the Right channel, processing is triggered for both the Left and the Right channel. With greater-than-stereo multichannel processing, the key signal triggers dynamics processing for all processed audio channels equally.

Side-Chain Listen Mode Listen mode lets you hear the input signal for the side-chain to the compressor. This can be either the external key input or the internal side-chain including the applied filter.

To enable or disable Listen mode on the sidechain: Click the Listen button in the top-right corner of the Side-Chain section so that it is highlighted. The icon flashes while Side-Chain Listen mode is enabled. The LFE channel is processed independently based on its own input signal. The Q control changes the width of the filter around the center frequency band.

Higher Q values represent narrower bandwidths. Lower Q values represent wider bandwidths. Compression is triggered only when the signal exceeds the Threshold setting at the frequencies passing through the side-chain filter. Note that the side-chain filter does not apply filtering to the compressed signal. Compression is applied to all frequencies of the input signal when compression is triggered by the side-chain. Low Pass Select the Low Pass option to apply a low pass filter to the side-chain processing at the selected frequency.

High Pass Select the High Pass option to apply a high pass filter to the side-chain processing at the selected frequency. Notch Select the Notch option to apply a notch filter to the side-chain processing at the selected frequency. Band Pass Select the Band Pass option to apply a band pass filter to the side-chain processing at the selected frequency. Under copyright laws, this guide may not be duplicated. Studio Monitor Express Version 2. Under copyright laws, this guide may not be duplicated in whole or in.

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