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As you know that this software is straightforward to use and learn for beginners, so this tutorial will help you out with more details, and at the end of this tutorial, you can easily design your PCB.

Autodesk inventor professional 2019 tutorial pdf free download.Try Inventor free for 30 days


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Procreate 5. Technology As The Tool. Bashing Buildings. Chaos Cosmos. Summer And Lake. Related categories Skip carousel. Reviews for Autodesk Inventor Basics Tutorial. What did you think? Rate as 1 out of 5, 1 stars. Rate as 2 out of 5, 2 stars.

Rate as 3 out of 5, 3 stars. Rate as 4 out of 5, 4 stars. Rate as 5 out of 5, 5 stars. Write a review Review must be at least 10 words. Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. Download Resource Files from: www. Scope of this book This book is written for students and engineers who are interested to learn Autodesk Inventor for designing mechanical components and assemblies, and then create drawings.

Chapter 5: In this chapter, you will learn the sketching tools. Chapter 9: teaches you to apply dimensions and annotations to a 2D drawing. Chapter teaches you to add 3D annotations and tolerances to a 3D model. Chapter 1: Getting Started with Autodesk Inventor ———————— This tutorial book brings in the most commonly used features of the Autodesk Inventor. In this chapter, you will: Understand the Inventor terminology Start a new file Understand the User Interface Understand different environments in Inventor In this chapter, you will learn some of the most commonly used features of Autodesk Inventor.

JPG Most of the features are sketch-based. JPG Inventor is parametric in nature. Click Create to start a new part file. Notice these important features of the Inventor window. User Interface Various components of the user interface are discussed next. Ribbon Ribbon is located at the top of the window.

The 3D Model ribbon tab This ribbon tab contains the tools to create 3D features, planes, surfaces, and so on. The View ribbon tab This ribbon tab contains the tools to modify the display of the model and user interface. The Inspect ribbon tab This ribbon tab has tools to measure the objects. Sketch ribbon tab This ribbon tab contains all the sketch tools.

Once the ViewCube is displayed, it is shown in one of the corners of the graphics window over the model in an inactive state. The ViewCube also provides visual feedback about the current viewpoint of the model as view changes occur. When the cursor is positioned over the ViewCube, it becomes active and allows you to switch to one of the available preset views, roll the current view, or change to the Home view of the model.

Move the cursor over the ViewCube and notice the different sides of the ViewCube become highlighted and can be activated. Single left-mouse-click when the front side is activated as shown. The current view is set to view the front side. Move the cursor over the counter-clockwise arrow of the ViewCube and notice the orbit option becomes highlighted. Single left-mouse-click to activate the counter-clockwise option as shown. The current view is orbited 90 degrees; we are still viewing the front side.

Move the cursor over the left arrow of the ViewCube and notice the orbit option becomes highlighted. Single left-mouse-click to activate the left arrow option as shown. The current view is now set to view the top side. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals 7. Move the cursor over the top edge of the ViewCube and notice the roll option becomes highlighted.

Single left-mouse-click to activate the roll option as shown. The view will be adjusted to roll 45 degrees. Move the cursor over the ViewCube and drag with the leftmouse-button to activate the Free Rotation option. Move the cursor over the home icon of the ViewCube and notice the Home View option becomes highlighted. Single left-mouse-click to activate the Home View option as shown. The view will be adjusted back to the default isometric view.

Full Navigation Wheel — The Navigation Wheel contains tracking menus that are divided into different sections known as wedges. Each wedge on the wheel represents a single navigation tool. You can pan, zoom, or manipulate the current view of a model in different ways. The 3D Navigation Wheel and 2D Navigation Wheel mostly used in the 2D drawing mode have some or all of the following options: Zoom — Adjusts the magnification of the view.

Center — Centers the view based on the position of the cursor over the wheel. Rewind — Restores the previous view. Forward — Increases the magnification of the view. Orbit — Allows 3D free rotation with the left-mouse-button. Pan — Allows panning by dragging with the left-mouse-button.

Walk — Allows walking, with linear motion perpendicular to the screen, through the model space. Activate the Full Navigation Wheel, by clicking on the icon as shown. Move the cursor in the graphics window and notice the Full Navigation Wheel menu follows the cursor on the screen. Move the cursor on the Orbit option to highlight the option. Click and drag with the left-mouse-button to activate the Free Rotation option. Drag with the left-mouse-button and notice the ViewCube also reflects the model orientation.

Move the cursor to the left side of the model and click the Center option as shown. On your own, experiment with the other available options. Exit the Navigation wheel by clicking on the small [x] near the upper right corner. Orthographic vs. Click on the icon next to the display mode button on the Standard toolbar, as shown in the figure. For example, in the use of a 2D drafting CAD system, most of the dimensions of the design would have been determined by the documentation stage.

Select the Tools tab in the Ribbon as shown. Select Application Options in the Options toolbar as shown. Pick the Sketch tab to display the sketch related settings. On your own, examine the other sketch settings that are available, such as switch ON the Grid lines in the Display section. Click OK to accept the settings. Activate the Model tab and select the Create 2D Sketch command by left-clicking once on the icon.

Autodesk Inventor expects us to identify a planar surface where the 2D sketch of the next feature is to be created. Move the graphics cursor on the 3D part and notice that Autodesk Inventor will automatically highlight feasible planes and surfaces as the cursor is on top of the different surfaces. Pick the back face of the 3D solid object. Pick the back face of the solid.

Autodesk Inventor automatically establishes a User Coordinate System UCS , and records its location with respect to the part on which it was created. Select the Rectangle command by clicking once with the left-mouse-button on the icon in the Draw toolbar. Select the General Dimension command in the Constrain toolbar. Create and modify the size dimensions to describe the size of the sketch as shown in the figure.

Create the two location dimensions to describe the position of the sketch relative to the top corner of the solid model as shown. On your own, click on the associated location dimensions and modify them to 0. Select OK in the popup menu to end the General Dimension command.

Select Finish 2D Sketch in the popup menu to end the Sketch option. In the Create toolbar the toolbar that is located to the right side of the Sketch toolbar in the Ribbon , select the Extrude command by releasing the left-mouse-button on the icon.

In the Extrude popup window, notice the Profile button is activated; Autodesk Inventor expects us to identify the profile to be extruded. Move the cursor inside the rectangle we just created and left-click once to select the inside region as the profile to be extruded. Profile inside the rectangular region. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals In the Extrude control panel, enter 0. On your own, confirm the preview of the extruded feature appears as shown in the above figure.

Click on the OK button to proceed with creating the extruded feature. In the Sketch toolbar select the Create 2D Sketch command by left-clicking once on the icon. Pick the top horizontal face of the 3D solid model as shown. Select the Line command by clicking once with the left-mouse-button on the icon in the Draw toolbar. Create a closed region consisting of four line segments aligned to the upper right corner of the second solid feature as shown. On your own, create and modify the dimensions of the sketch as shown in the figure.

Select Finish Sketch in the popup menu to end the Sketch option. In the Create toolbar select the Extrude command by releasing the left-mouse-button on the icon. In the Extrude popup window, the Profile button is pressed down; Autodesk Inventor expects us to identify the profile to be extruded. Click on the inside of the sketched region as shown. Click on the CUT icon, as shown, to set the extrusion operation to Cut.

Set the Extents option to Through All as shown. The All option instructs the software to calculate the extrusion distance and assures the created feature will always cut through the full length of the model. Pick the bottom horizontal face of the 3D solid model as shown. Select the Circle command by clicking once with the left-mouse-button on the icon in the Draw toolbar.


Autodesk inventor professional 2019 tutorial pdf free download


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