Driver parallel lines full version pc game free.Download Driver Parallel Lines for free PC game

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Driver parallel lines full version pc game free

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Driver: Parallel Lines ( GB) is an Racing video game. Developed and published by Ubisoft Reflections, Ubisoft. It was released on June This Shooter, Racing category game is perfect for kids. This PC game got numerous quests to complete and it was released on Mar 14, date.

Driver parallel lines full version pc game free. Driver: Parallel Lines Free Download


Unlike the previous titles, this game focuses on just one city but is set on two different periods. It was first set in wherein you play as the getaway driver, T. He was at the top of his criminal career in New York City, but he was suddenly framed for a murder and ended up in prison for 28 years. Now out in , he is back in New York and is ready to get revenge on the men who betrayed him. Similar in gameplay and theme to the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Driver: Parallel Lines lets you have fun in an entirely open-world environment.

However, in this Driver title, New York City has two distinct looks , the city in and the city in The overall look and vibe of the city and even T. The game lets you experience two periods in T. After you finish the story, you will have the ability to switch between the two eras at will.

And with the two periods available, You can collect more than 80 cars and motorcycles. Related Posts. Moto Racer 2 Free Download. Moto Racer Free Download. Screamer 2 Free Download. In some missions of this type, the police will be on our tail; 6. Car theft using a tug. Driver Parallel Lines screenshots:. Size: 2. If you come across it, the password is: online-fix. Related By Tags Games: Bloody sunrise. Darkarta: A Broken Hearts Ques.

Touhou luna nights. Thirsty For My Guest. Build your perfect ride with custom body work, engine upgrades, tunable suspensions, custom paints and accessories like bullet proof glass and tinted windows.

Get behind the wheel of 80 cars and motorcycles including old school classics and modern day marvels. Old Links and Patches. We are keeping some of the old links and patches to make sure you can revert back to old version if you have problem with the latest version. Notify of.


Driver parallel lines full version pc game free


Так это клипса. – Да, – сказала девушка.  – Я до чертиков боюсь прокалывать уши.


Driver – Parallel Lines (PC) : UbiSoft : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.Driver®: Parallel Lines Free Download (v) » GOG Unlocked


Post a Comment. In , TK who was then an year-old driver-for-hire who had just graduated from high school was sentenced to 28 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and is released from prison in Now, with his driving skills, he seeks revenge against the police department for having to serve time for something someone else should’ve gone to prison for!

Unlike Driv3r, Driver: Parallel Lines mostly takes place behind the wheel, returning back to the formula that made the first game a classic. The game still has a GTA-style open-ended design, though, and you can still exit your vehicle for some on-foot action.

However, there’s no reason to exit your vehicle unless it’s damaged and you can no longer drive it, as almost all of the game’s missions involve cop car chases. If that’s the case, then you can either go to the repair shop to repair your vehicle, or just steal someone else’s vehicle! Until then, you can punch the cops with your fists and steal their weapons when they’re dead, so that you can use them for future on-foot combat.

The game takes place in both before TK went to prison and in The setting has a much more modern soundtrack than the setting, which has a mostly disco soundtrack. Obviously, the setting has the architecture, technology, and cars of today. CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2. Download 2. Labels: , Action , D , Open-world , Racing. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

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